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1- circular 5 - gallon plastic bucket


22- Grip-Rite #8 x 1-1/4 in. Philips Bugle-Head Coarse Thread Sharp Point Sheet Metal Screws

4- Everbilt #8 3/4 in.Wood Sharp Point Screw 

10- 12V, 58RPM 60:1 Gear Motor with Encoder, mount and shaft

10- pieces of Tupperware *unknown specifications (clear restaurant soup containers)

1- wooden clothing rod (plywood, 1-inch diameter) preferably 2 1/2 feet long

1- 8 feet 4-inch tin downspout 

10- zip ties


1- A-frame ladder


1- motor hub



1- radial arm saw with a stone blade


1- handsaw 


1- hand drill


1- multimeter


4- test LEDs


Safety Goggles


1- Straight ruler


1- Permanent marker 


1- Pencil


1- Protractor


1- Electric drill including a 1 1/4 hole saw attachment




Gutter Generator

Students: Jason Young and ZiChang Rao, Sir Winston Churchill 
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