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Qualitative Data

Quantitative Data

Quantitative Data

Watts from Each 2 Trials:

Expected Watt Hours (per day) from Each 2 Trials:

  1. The Functioning of the Gutter Generator:

It functioned greatly; almost just as planned. The water flowed down nicely and spun the wheel at a very fast rate. The only minor problem is with the durability of the parts, but overall the waterwheel functioned excellently.


  2 . The Durability of the parts

After all six trials and several non-trial test runs, the shaft which connects from the waterwheel to the motor broke. One of the screws which held the Tupperware in place also came loose. Luckily, all our trials are done, but the fragility of some of these parts should be kept in mind when we evaluate the effectiveness of our prototype.


   3. The Mess

The water splashed everywhere, resulting in a huge mess and a wet patio. Our prototype completely failed in the sense of redirecting the water. 

Students: Jason Young and ZiChang Rao, Sir Winston Churchill 
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